ERDF funds
The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is one of the main financial instruments of the European cohesion policy. Its objective is to contribute to reducing the differences between the levels of development of the European regions and to improve the standard of living in the less favored regions. Particular attention is paid to regions that suffer from serious and permanent natural or demographic handicaps, such as the northernmost regions, which have a low population density, and island, cross-border and mountainous regions.
Alestis Projects
Energy Efficiency Plan
The actions planned under the Energy Efficiency Plan of Alestis Sevilla and Alestis Tecnobahía intend to implement improvements previously identified in the energy audits carried out, in the following areas of application: air conditioning (actions on climate equipment to improve performance as well as on passive elements to improvement of insulation), lighting (replacement of inefficient lighting with energy-efficient equipment) and equipment (actions aimed at improving the efficiency of plant equipment and machines).
In Alestis Seville the total investment in the project, which is scheduled to be completed on 04/28/2023, will amount to €1,350,000 and the financing will be €317,312.63.
In Alestis Technobahía (El Puerto de Santa María) the total investment in the project, scheduled for completion on 05/24/2023, will amount to €629,329 and the financing will be €188,798.70.
The incentive request was submitted under the Resolution of July 22, 2019, which convenes for the years 2019 and 2020 the incentives for the energy efficiency of the industry in Andalusia under Royal Decree 263/2019, of 12 April.
Energy efficiency measures and use of residual heat by improving technology in equipment and industrial processes in La Rinconada (Seville). Project 302820
ALESTIS AEROSPACE SL, in line with its commitment to the environment, the promotion of the use of renewable energies and the reduction of energy consumption, has carried out the implementation of a self-consumption photovoltaic installation.
Its main objective has been to generate electricity in a sustainable and efficient manner, and also reduce its dependence on conventional energy sources, improving security of supply. The action has been financed with the support of the European Union within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, through the Next Generation EU Funds.
The implementation has been carried out in the production center of Alestis Aerospace, S.L. located in El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz), and has involved the installation of inverters and photovoltaic modules, with a total generation power of 993.6 kW and a nominal power of inverters of 800 kW. The investment has amounted to a total of €701,740.90, of which €105,261.14 have been subsidized.